A dental emergency occurs when you seek immediate treatment for severe dental pain and discomfort. This might be the result of an infection, a dental accident, or problems from dental surgery.

This article aims to help you learn what they are and how you may avoid going to the emergency dentist as nobody wants to go to the dentist in pain, and it’s not always apparent what constitutes a dental emergency.

Common Causes of Dental Emergencies

Common dental emergencies

A.     Trauma or Injury to the Teeth or Mouth 

A knocked-out tooth resulting from a dental accident is one of the most prevalent dental emergencies. Injuries are prevalent as a result of simple incidents such as falling down or participating in impact or severe sports.

Knocked-out teeth can be excruciatingly painful, but they can be salvaged if treated early, so they should be considered as a dental emergency. Before going to the dentist, if the tooth is a permanent adult tooth, carefully rinse it with water, being mindful not to damage the root, and then place it back in the gum if feasible.

B.     Tooth Decay and Cavities 

Untreated tooth decay causes a bacterial infection that affects the pulp tissue at the middle of your tooth. This pulp starts dying, indicating the spread of bacteria. This can frequently result in toothache, which is especially painful while biting or chewing, or when consuming hot and cold foods. If the discomfort gets excruciating, you may require an emergency appointment.

C.      Gum Disease 

Gum disease is not always a sign of a dental emergency. But, if someone’s gums are hurting and bleeding and this continues even when the person is not eating, the person should visit an emergency dentist. This is an indication of severe gum disease, which might result in loss of teeth for the individual. 

D.     Tooth Sensitivity 

Teeth sensitivity is not necessarily a dental emergency, particularly if the discomfort is transient. If the pain lasts more than a few days, it might indicate a significant condition, such as a cavity or inflammation deep inside the tooth. If tooth sensitivity appears unexpectedly, it might be a dental emergency or an urgent dental condition that should not be disregarded.

E.      Oral Infections and Abscesses

Bacterial infections create dental abscesses. This implies that pus accumulates in your mouth around your tooth in either gums, or bone. If you suspect you have a tooth abscess, you should see your dentist as quickly as possible. Dental abscesses are a dental emergency because the infection might spread to other regions of the body and leave you sick. They can be fatal if they attempt to suffocate you and you have difficulty breathing.

How to Prevent Dental Emergencies 

To prevent dental emergencies you should have;

A.     Regular Dental Check-ups and Cleanings 

The necessity of visiting the dentist on a regular basis cannot be stressed because routine screening detects issues early. You should visit your dental every 6 months to get yourself checked and get cleaning.

B.     Good Oral Hygiene Practices 

Practise appropriate dental hygiene on a regular basis to safeguard your oral health. Clean your teeth at least twice a day for two minutes each time with fluoride toothpaste and a soft bristle brush. Daily flossing and mouthwash usage are recommended.

C.      Healthy Diet and Lifestyle Habits 

A healthy diet is recommended to keep your teeth and gums in excellent condition. To boost the health of your gums, you should ingest vitamins and minerals. It is best to avoid sugary and acidic meals and beverages. You should abstain from using tobacco and alcohol. Using protective gear during sports and physical activities is recommended to avoid traumas and physical damage to teeth.

Tips for Handling Dental Emergencies 

A.     Toothache and Swelling 

A toothache does not constitute an emergency unless it is really severe. Toothache coupled by swelling is a sign of concern and should be addressed as soon as possible. 

Severe dental decay, infected roots, gingivitis, an impacted tooth, a damaged or broken tooth, a damaged filling, a pus containing infection, and trauma to the tooth or supporting tissues can all cause toothache and swelling.

You should immediately see your dentist and get the appropriate treatment to address the source of the pain and swelling. After treating the cause the dentist will prescribe you medicine and advise you to use saline water gargles and cold compresses for some days.

B.     Broken or Knocked-Out Teeth 

An accident or injury might cause you to lose a tooth or a portion of a tooth. It can be due to a significantly decaying and damaged dental structure, a root canal treated tooth without a prosthetic crown, chewing on something forcefully, teeth clenching, and massive fillings.

You should take the broken fragment of tooth or the knocked out tooth immediately to your dentist, so that he re-implant that back into your mouth. Place your knocked out tooth in milk and take it to your dentist, or try to reinsert yourself and then visit your dentist.

Avoid eating on the affected side after successful re-implantation, and practise proper oral hygiene. Gargle with saline water and consume soft foods.

C.      Lost or Broken Fillings or Crowns 

Dental crowns and bridges frequently detach after placement. It might be related to poor dental cementation, poor crown preparation, consuming tacky foods, or eating hard meals. Fillings can be lost or broken down as a result of forceful flossing, biting on hard substances, tartar development, or tooth grinding.

If you experience any of these problems, see your dentist as soon as possible and keep your dislodged dental crown with you. Until treated, do not eat from the affected side.


It is always better to avoid a disease than to treat it. It is consequently recommended that you visit your dentist on a frequent basis. Dental crises may be devastating. They cause discomfort, long-term damage, and may necessitate costly, invasive dental operations. Preventive treatment can lower your risk of needing to see an emergency dentist.